How many reps of chests should I do per set?

 How many reps of chests should I do per set?

The number of sets of chest exercises that you perform each week depends on several factors, including your age, gender, body type, and goals.

How many sets of chests should I do per week?

You should aim to perform each exercise for 20 seconds.

If you’re just starting with weight training, you might begin by performing three sets of eight repetitions (or reps) of each exercise. As you become more experienced, you can gradually increase the number of sets and reps you perform.

For example, if you are an older man who wants to build muscle mass, you would need to perform more sets than someone younger with less muscle mass.

The number of sets you perform each week also depends on how much weight you lift during each set. If you lift weights that are too light, you will only be able to complete fewer sets than someone who lifts heavier weights.


• The number of sets you can perform each week depends on your goal, age, gender, and other factors.

• This app helps you track your progress over time and provides tips on improving your workout routine.


• Track your workouts and see how they compare to others

• Get personalized recommendations on what types of exercises you should be doing

• Learn which exercises work best for you

• Set goals and track your progress.

How much rest in one set?

Rest for 10 seconds between exercises. Perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

This workout routine has been designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. Each set of exercises targets specific muscle groups and builds strength and endurance.

This routine is suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike.

You can follow the video instructions or download the PDF version here.


• Workout routines are split into three different categories: Cardio, Strength, and Core.

• Each category contains four workouts that target different areas of the body.

• All workouts include warmup, main and cool-down sections.

• Each workout includes a detailed description of what muscles are targeted and how to complete the movements correctly.

• There are also tips and tricks to help you improve your performance.


• You can work through the videos, print them out, and follow along.

Should You Train Chest with Heavy Weights?

Chest training should be part of your routine if you want to build muscle mass and strength. However, when performing exercises such as bench presses, overhead presses, pushups, etc., there are certain precautions you need to take to avoid injury.

If you have shoulder pain or injuries, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Also, stop immediately and consult your physician if you experience pain or discomfort during an exercise session.


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Exercises for chest buildup:

Barbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

Explosive Push-ups

Incline Bench Press

Decline Bench Press


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